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The Secret to The Law of Attraction with Charlie Azul

Train Your Mind Change Your Life

Think it, Believe it, Do it

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Panama February 2015 167.JPG
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Swimming in Island Beach
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The Secret

Welcome to your new beginning, learning how to use the secret will change your life forever.
Maybe your saying yes I have already heard of the secret and the law of attraction but knowing of something and knowing how to use it are two completely different things.

What is the law of attraction?  Well simply put it is this.

Like attracts like: This law suggests that similar things are attracted to one another. 

It means that people tend to attract people who are similar to them—but it also suggests that people's thoughts tend to attract similar results.  Negative thinking is believed to attract negative experiences, while positive thinking is believed to produce desirable experiences.

If you your always thinking negative and dwelling on the bad things in life, i.e. always saying your never going to have money or your never going to meet the right person, your never going to have the job you want, that is what you attract.  When you think this way and worse when you speak this way, you project a negative energy and the results will be exactly what your attracting.  You will never have money because you don't believe you will. You will always attract losers who do not treat you good.  You will never have a job you enjoy because you attract what your thoughts are projecting.  The brain is very powerful, more than you can possibly imagine but for some reason life lesson teach us to do more complaining, thinking the worst, never believing we can achieve the things we want, that we were not meant to be rich and filling our mind and body with negative energy. Everything in the universe is made up of energy.  It is learning how to harness this energy and use it to project positive thoughts that will change your life.  However that alone will not get you wealth and all you desire.  It is only when you utilize the three things together and the five steps I will share with you, can you really understand, unlock and utilize

 the secret.

The law of attraction suggests that removing negative things from your life can make space for more positive things to take their place.  It is based on the notion that it is impossible to have a completely empty space in your mind and in your life.  Since something will always fill this space, it is important to fill that space with positivity.

This law focuses on the idea that there are always things you can do to improve the present moment.  While it might always seem like the present is somehow flawed, this law proposes that rather than feeling dread or unhappiness, you should focus your energy on finding ways to make the present moment the best that it can be.

How do you get started with the law of attraction? According to this philosophy, you create your own reality. What you focus on is what you draw into your life. It suggests that what you believe will happen in your life is what does happen. Some people call it faith but the reality is the same. people with strong faith believe without a doubt and that way of thinking and speaking is positive energy. It is one thing to think it but when you speak it or write it down on paper it now becomes more than just a thought.

Some things that you can do to incorporate the law of attraction into your own life include:

  • Be grateful.

  • Visualize your goals.  Write them down so they are not only thoughts in your mind

  • Look for the positives in all situations.

  • Learn how to identify negative thinking and negative people.

  • Use positive affirmations.

  • Reframe negative events in a more positive way.

  • Stay away from negative people they will only bring you down into their misery.

  • Think and speak positive things, especially about yourself.

While the law of attraction may not be an immediate solution for all of life's challenges, it can help you learn to cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life.  It will also help you stay motivated to continue working toward your goals.

Now if your a lazy person and you cannot commit to making changes in your life, then your results will not be the same as mine or others.  Nothing in life is free.  Nothing good in life comes without effort and it is impossible to get rich overnight, unless you hit the lottery with your first ticket.  It is impossible to find the love of your life if your thoughts and energy are negative, you will attract the wrong person or surrounding yourself with the wrong people.  You have heard the saying.... it is hard to soar like an eagle when your surrounded by turkeys?
Great athletes do not become great overnight, only with hard work and training do they achieve greatness but lucky for you I am going to teach you the five steps you need to achieve your goals faster and with much less effort.  Now like great athletes, they are born with certain skills and abilities, but they must still work hard to train their muscles and body and mind to utilize those skills and abilities.  Great athletes need a strong mind also to be successful, ability alone will not make them great.  Just like athletes, everyone, including you are born with abilities to attract greatness and wealth but just as great athletes you have to train your mind to be able to use these abilities inside you. 
Most of us try to take care of ourselves by eating right and exercise so we are healthy, fit and look good.  Not to mention the fact most of us want to attract a good attractive person into our lives.  However, we do not exercise or train our brain, even though it is the strongest most powerful muscle we have.  Because if you do not believe you can do it then you probably will not.  It is no wonder most of us only use a small percentage of our brain if we do not exercise it.  We use much more of it when we are born and in our first 5 years but as we get older we get busy with life, friends, school and we do not access and utilize what is already inside of us. 
Now the elite and super rich have known about the secret and the law of attraction since the beginning of time and they do not want the rest of us to know about it or how to use it. That is why the super rich only make up 1% of the population.  It is a fact.  1.1% own 45.8% of the total wealth and that number is growing.  So 98.9% of us are left to share the remaining 54.2%..  WOW, wouldn't you like to change those numbers?  I certainly did.  I wanted to learn to use the secret as they have, so 2 years ago that is exactly what I did and now I am living the dream.
Now as I said earlier, it is not only one thing you must do.  You must incorporate all of these things into your life like the perfect recipe.  Just as anything you want to be good at in life, you must devote yourself to that in which you want to achieve.  You have to be willing to change.  Change your habits, change your routine, change the way you think.  Now if you ready, I am going to give you step by step details of how to apply the secret and the law of attraction to change your life forever.  If you follow these instructions every day, you will begin to see your life completely change and before you know it you will be living the life of your dreams.
Step 1. Changing your morning routine.
You need to get up in the morning, especially if you work from home.  Do you know that most millionaires and billionaires sleep 4 to 6 hours only?  Sure, you probably think they are so rich and sleep all day, because they have people to do whatever they need or want, but the opposite is true.  You see they are not unhappy or depressed because they have everything they want and most of them want more but you cannot get more if you sleep a third or half your life away.  See they want to get up and enjoy life and all the things they have.  If you are someone that hits the snooze button two or three times or even once, then this is the first thing you must change.  You have to wake up early and wake up happy with a positive attitude so you can start your day off right and use the law of attraction to your benefit.  Get up by 5 am, now you will need to adjust this to your work schedule, especially if you work nights but give your self the time to do these things before you start your day.
Step 2. Morning routine.
Start with meditation.  Nothing crazy but listen to something calming.  I have put together some very relaxing mediation music you can purchase in our store that I will go into detail about later, but make sure it is relaxing and pleasing.  You can listen to your favorite music anytime later in the day.  I start with listening to certain frequencies that reshape, or I say redirect your DNA. (this is a more complex and advanced topic my private coaching, audio and books go into.  I don't want to overwhelm you all at once)  I Do this alone in a quiet place, away from distractions.  Most of the time on the beach or near our water fall.  I just close my eyes stretch and relax.  It is a perfect time to just stretch you muscles.   Too often we just jump out of bed and get right to our busy schedule, never giving any time to ourselves, our body or our mind.  If you stop hitting the snooze button, then you would have the time for this. 
Eat a good healthy breakfast.  Fruit is truly one of the best things you can eat for breakfast but just make sure your not eating a half pound of bacon.  This was hard for me because I love bacon.  There are many healthy food options to have for breakfast.  Remember this is the start of your day, so eat good.

Read something every day.  Preferably something positive.  Something to help you grow and learn.  I have many great books in our store you can purchase but stay away from the news or gossip and negativity.  I like to read with breakfast as I find it slows me down so that I am not just choking down in a rush.  Too many are in such a hurry al the time  we forget to enjoy the small things.  Maybe in a hurry because they hit the snooze button too many times?  Slow down make time to enjoy your morning and your food.  You will have the rest of the day to be in a hurry but how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Drink only water.  Not forever but do it for 30 days.  This is the start of cleaning out the toxins from your body.  You can drink a nice calming hot tea but you should not drink it on an empty stomach.  Stay away from sodas, alcohol, junk food and especially fast food.  Again this is not forever.  Most things are ok for you in moderation but if your going to train your mind then your mind needs to be clear.
Say these fifteen things to yourself before you leave your house.  Before you ever go out and you need to do this in the mirror looking at yourself.  This is a very important step to reshaping your DNA and mind.  I do this in the shower as I have mirrors in our showers. Now you can and should do this as many times as day as you can, even if you say it to yourself at work or in the car, however it is best to actually speak the words and speak to yourself looking into a mirror because the first person you have to convince of this is you. 

  1. Today is my day. 

  2. I am amazing.

  3. I am beautiful.

  4. I am intelligent.

  5.  I am happy.

  6.  I am healthy.

  7.  I am rich.

  8.   I am loved. 

  9.  I am perfect just the way I am.

  10.  I can do anything.

  11.  I will inspire others today.

  12.  I will be successful today.

  13.  Everything will go according to the plan

  14.  I believe in you ( remember your talking to yourself)

  15.  Only positive energy will surround me.

It is only fifteen things to remember.  Write it down until you memorize it, but it is very important to do this each and every day as many times as you can but always before you leave your house.
Step 3. Daily routine and positive energy.
Now you have left the house relaxed, motivated and in a positive mind-set but this next step will be one of the more difficult things for you to do because it involves other people. Friends, family, co-workers.  As I have said again and again, it is not only one thing you need to do.  It is the combination of all the things I am explaining to you and though you may have your morning perfected, it can all come crashing down just by being around one negative person.  It is extremely important that you stay away from negative people and negative energy.  People that always complain about how hard life is, how they never have money or how they are not happy with their partner.  Stay away from people that gossip as this is extreme negative energy.

Now I am not saying stop talking to your friends and family.  I am saying be more choosey of who you are friends with.  We can't choose our family but you can choose not to get involved in gossip and negativity.  Just say you have to go or you have a phone call.  Use whatever excuse you need to get away from this negative energy. 

Now your probably saying to yourself... Charlie what are you talking about?  I have just learned this new secret and I want to share it with everyone.  Well not everyone is ready for the secret and they usually do not want to hear it from a friend or family when they are not ready.  Let me explain why.
People are going to notice and see a change in you.  They will notice that your more happy, not complaining, just going about your days in a positive way and they will feel that positive energy just as we feel and sense negative energy.  You know what I mean.  The grumpy old mean guy at the coffee stand always complaining or the girl in the office that thinks she is better than everyone.  You can feel that negative energy just as they will feel your positive energy and they will see your success. 

Now you are probably thinking, Charlie that's a good thing I am giving off positive energy and I am happy and becoming successful in my new life, they will be happy for me and some will but most will not.  See they still live in negative town.  They will be jealous of you because they are living a life of misery.  They want to be around the miserable you so they have someone to complain with.  Now you may think you can bring them up with your new found positive way of life but most likely they will bring you back down.  This is why they say misery loves company, because it is easier to be miserable, complaining and gossiping with someone, than to truly happy alone.  Weak minded negative people are always around the same..(The Law of Attraction) Just as positive people with strong minds surround themselves with the same.  Surround yourself with positive successful people.  You cannot get the  rich life you want by continuing with the same and being around lazy weak minded negative people, and who are you living your life for?  You, your friends, your family?  This is one of the hardest steps in the secret.

You need to be prepared to lose friends because you will lose friends but you will also gain new friends and if the friends you lose are real friends then they will return and respect you more for taking control of your life.  Family is family they will always be there and we can only choose to distance ourselves from gossip and the negative.  In the end when they see your joy, success and your positive energy they will be happy for you and just like anyone who is happy with your newfound success, they too will be ready to learn how to use

the secret.  They may be mad at themselves for not listening to you and learning how to use it sooner but they will be happy for you.  If not then they do not deserve to be in your life.
Step 4. Nightly Routine and turning your thoughts into reality.
Now make sure to eat a good dinner but eat at least two hours before you sleep.  If you work during the day then sleep before or by10 pm but what's important is that you get 7 hours of sleep.  I know I said 4 to 6 but you're not there yet. 

Think about it this way.  If you sleep 8 hours than you are spending a third of your life sleeping and if you're like many people that love to sleep and sleep12 hours then your sleeping half your life.... Really you want to sleep half of your life away and waste all that precious time? 

The one thing you can never get back is time.  No TV at least 30 minutes to an hour before you go to sleep.  This gives you the perfect time tell yourself these fifteen things before you go to step five, so I suggest give yourself 1 hour. 

Before you go to bed look in the mirror and tell yourself these 15 things.

  1.  I had a great day.

  2.  I am amazing.

  3.  I am beautiful.

  4.  I am intelligent.

  5.  I am happy.

  6.  I am healthy.

  7.  I am rich.

  8.  I am loved.

  9.  I am perfect just the as I am.

  10.  I was the best today.

  11.  I inspire others.

  12.  I was successful today.

  13.  Everything went as according to the plan.

  14.  I am one day closer to my dreams.  

  15. Only positive energy surrounds me.

Anytime you start to have doubt speak those words to yourself all day everyday and remember you were created perfect and it is in your DNA to be wealthy and live a life of abundance with all your heart desires​

Step 5. Reshaping your DNA.

Now is when I put on my headphones and listen to wealth code frequencies.  It is best to use headphones and not a speaker because it is two separate frequencies in stereo. 

Now I know what your thinking... what in the world are you talking about Charlie?  You cannot reshape your DNA, but the truth is there is a lot we do not know about our DNA, only that scientist claim 92% of it is junk but that is not true.

We are not made of junk and we were not designed to only use a small percentage of our brain, nor were we designed to live a life of misery. 

The government and NASA know all about this, but like all governments they want to keep all this to themselves.  I am only going to briefly go into this as it is better explained in the audio version and I am not the one who discovered the Wealth DNA Code.  I only know how to combine these five steps, The Law of Attraction and Wealth DNA Code methods together and that is the real secret.  Because doing one of these things by it self, will only do so much and get you so far, but doing these two things together with my five step program will transform your life more than you can imagine. 
What is reshaping your DNA? 

Well it is like this, we already have inside us our DNA and we were programmed, so to speak, in our mind and our DNA to have anything we want.  It is spoken in the bible, almost every meditation and chakra book and has been around since the beginning of time.  We are only going to touch on the wealth DNA.
What is wealth DNA? 

It’s something that’s already inside you and once you “activate” this DNA inside you…

Money worries will be a thing of the past.  Giving you a life of true freedom and an unshakable sense of security, no matter what your situation looks like right now.

Because what I’m going to share with you can work for any human being in existence. 

The best part is, once you learn how to activate your wealth DNA… Money will flow into your life effortlessly.  I understand that probably sounds too good to be true.

but the bible and eastern spiritual teachings have claimed for centuries, that you are capable of attracting wealth.

However they call it chakra not DNA and a secret NASA experiment was done on this and as was suspected, there was a way to activate the “Root Chakra”...

(Root Chakra is supposed to be the Chakra responsible for attracting wealth.)

The crazy thing is, the secret experiment proved that they were right.

Basically this means that science is now proving what ancient spiritual leaders have known for centuries!

That you are capable of attracting wealth!

That means you have a chance to rewrite your life story…just like I did.

So what is the secret? 

The secret is using the law of attraction, using the 5 steps I laid out for you and reshaping your DNA or Root Chakra.  It takes all of these things combined along with a commitment to make the change.  These steps will help you strengthen your mind and thoughts but if your not a strong person or as I said earlier,  If your a lazy person and cannot commit to making this an everyday part of your life then the results will not come as fast as it has for many of us. 

It is just like a diet or to quit smoking.  People all the time say they will stop smoking or go on a diet, only to commit to it for a few days or maybe a month, then go back to smoking and eating poorly again.  Then they wonder why they never get the results they were expecting.

 I can tell you from my own experience if you combine these five steps with The Law of Attraction and Wealth DNA Code, apply them to your everyday life and truly commit to it, you will receive more than you can possibly imagine. 

Now unfortunately I cannot teach you everything for you to absorb all at once but you can find everything you need here at the bottom of the page and much more in my store.  I offer many books, audio for meditation and accessing your wealth DNA.  I also offer private one on one

life coaching to guide you and teach you how to combine these 5 steps with The Law of Attraction and Wealth DNA Code to unlock the secret so you can learn how to use it to manifest wealth, happiness and abundance in your life, to live the life you deserve. I wish you the best of luck in achieving your dreams, I know you can do it.


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